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Author: Pavel Měřička, Pavel Navrátil, Daniel Brandejs, Lubomír Štěrba, Hana Straková, Barbora Honegrová
The design of the e-learning course: Donation and Harvest of cells and tissues“ is presented. This course represents more advanced updated and enlarged English version of the original e-learning course focused exclusively on the issues of cell and tissue donation and harvest. The course covers the topic Donation and harvest of cells and tissues and is divided into 2 parts. A test consisting of 5 questions follows each part. If the student answers correctly at least 3 questions he/she is allowed to pass to the next part and/or final test consisting of 15 questions. It is necessary to answer correctly at least 10 questions to complete the course. The third topic is represented by a database for uploading seminar theses. The previous experience showed that the e-learning course could serve as a useful support of the elective subject „Basis of Harvest and Preservation of Tissues“. This enlarged and updated English version aimed exclusively at the topic Donation and harvest of cells and tissues is planed to be used by a broader spectrum of users including the surgeons in post-graduate training and post-graduate students of different doctoral study programmes.
Author: Vanda Boštíková, Pavel Boštík, Miloslav Salavec, Petr Prášil
Infectious diseases caused by organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. Some infectious diseases can be passed from person to person. Some are transmitted by bites from insects or animals. Signs and symptoms vary depending on the organism causing the infection. Many infectious diseases can be prevented by vaccines.
Author: Petr Hájek
English version of our E-learning courses is aimed to foreign students of medicine. It turns their attention to topographical anatomy, which is more practical then systematic anatomy and is closer to perception of clinical medicine. The English version arises from the finished or planned Czech courses. Moreover, it has a task to integrate various foreign sources and to offer help to students situated in outland. This form of study material enables students to repeat the contents of classes after education or to prepare better for following classes in comfort of computer rooms. It can practice especially for dissecting classes and for final examination. Important feature of E-learning is a feedback aimed to both teachers and students. Preferring the individual feedback we want to avoid official evaluation anyway. 2 E-learning courses are under these links: Topographical anatomy of upper limb, Topographical anatomy of lower limb.
Author: Tomáš Nosek
Pokusný článek k ověření funkce přehrávání videí z medicalmedia.eu.
Projekt vznikl na základě požadavků a potřeb lékařských fakult Univerzity Karlovy ve spolupráci se sdružením Cesnet a společností Digital Media s.r.o. Videoserver MedicalMedia.eu byl vytvořen v roce 2010 a byl uveden do provozu v roce 2011. Jeho obsahem jsou videosnímky s tématikou medicínských a zdravotnických oborů. Přispěvateli jsou lékařské fakulty UK. Server nabízí ukládání a přehrávání videa na vyžádání a ochranu přehrávání citlivých snímků autentizací. Projekt byl financován z prostředků sdružení Cesnet a prostředků 1.LF UK v Praze.
Author: Jiří Petera, Milan Vošmik, Igor Sirák
Lectures for examination in oncology and radiotherapy
Author: Pavel Eliáš
Introduction to subject Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine tells us about the past, trends, but in particular about the present of radiology. Furthermore, we can read about classification of RTG, US, CT and MRI imaging, and about most frequently used contrast substances.
Úvodní přednáška předmětu Radiodiagnostika a nukleární medicína krátce promlouvá o minulosti, trendech, ale zejména o současnosti radiologie. Uvádí klasifikaci RTG, UZ, CT a MR zobrazení; dále nejčastěji používané kontrastní látky.
Lecture deals with the imaging methods used for investigation of chest, accenting the common X-rays. Subsequently, CT, ultrasound and different types of angiography are described.
Přednáška pojednává o zobrazovacích metodách využívaných pro vyšetření hrudníku s důrazem na prostý RTG snímek. Dalšími vysvětlovanými metodami jsou CT, UZ a různé typy angiografie.
Author: Pavel Eliáš, Jan Žižka
Flowing from the title, this lecture deals with modern imaging methods - ultrasound, CT, MRI. Principles of each of those are explained; large gallery of images follows.
Jak již název napovídá, pojednává přednáška o moderních zobrazovacích metodách - ultrazvuku, CT, magnetické rezonanci. U každé metody je vysvětlen princip, následuje rozsáhlá galerie snímků.
Author: Karel Barták, Rudolf Praus
This lecture deals with imaging of human heart by transthoracal and transesophageal ultrasound. After theoretical introduction (which is in czech), follow schemes and also images of common US investigation, Doppler's imaging and contrast-enhanced US.